Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ebola is such a scary virus-disease. I learned so much from researching this interesting topic. I learned that you can have Ebola for 20 days before you figure out that you have it. If you have it you more than likely will not know for a while.   I learned that a lot of people are blowing this subject way out of proportion. This virus- disease has been around for more than 30 years and now we are just hearing about it. Social media is taking this to a new level! Trying to think of ways to make this virus-disease go away was a pretty tough thing to do. I can’t imagine the people who actually have this as a job, because a lot of our scenarios were probably not realistic or could ever happen in this lifetime. I do believe that some of the things the groups said should happen, but things like putting a glass bowl around a country probably isn’t going to happen. I wish this Ebola breakout would just go away, but we all know that can’t happen unless some kind of change happens SOON.


Ebola has a lot to do with globalization because Ebola is going through our world like crazy.  If West Africa gets there Ebola virus-disease figured out, then it will help the United States because then the Africans won’t bring to other places. If West Africa eliminates Ebola it will help the United States eliminate Ebola. If this disease keeps going on and nobody fixes the problem, it could eventually kill millions of people. But if just one country finds a cure then they can help other countries find a cure.  If nobody finds a cure in our world for Ebola our future is not looking so bright. Ebola is a fatal virus- disease and has already killed thousands of innocent people.  If people don’t listen when they are told to not be around people, then this disease will NOT stop spreading. Being quarantined is a huge piece to this puzzle that is trying to be solved. If you refuse to stay away from people when you have Ebola, this disease will never stop spreading. If you are selfish enough to give a fatal disease to another innocent person while you have it then I don’t think that is fair for others.  If you look at our global health, we could really be in danger with this dangerous virus-disease.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10 facts about Healthcare

  1. Physicians and other health people are the largest source of federal campaign contributions and they contribute over 260.4 million dollars to federal candidates.
  2.  Cooperative of American Physicians is almost all outside spending groups.
  3. The democrats in 2009 got 800k for the Health for the senate.
  4. Blue Cross splits their pay up 50-50.
  5. The top recipient for the 2013-2014 election got up to 1.3 million dollars.
  6. The average contributions to members of the Congress in the republicans tripled its money from 1990 to 2012.
  7. Pharmaceuticals and health products are almost 74 million more than any of the other top lobbying industries.
  8. The lobbying totals went really high and now they are going low again.
  9. The contributions increase on election years.
  10. McConnell is strongly against Obamacare.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Health Insurance

This documentary made a lot of good points and helped me understand the health care system a little better. Even though Michael Moore is very one sided in his movies he brings up really good questions to ask yourself. He also gives out really good facts about our country right now. Fifty million Americans DO NOT have health insurance, and 18,000 die every year because they are in serious need of a hospital, but don’t have the money for health insurance.  But on the bright side, there are 250 million Americans that DO have health insurance. Having health insurance can be a good and bad thing; our health insurance is almost $900 a month at my house. That is insane. I also found it crazy how they hire people to try to find ways to tell people no to have health insurance. They would tell people no because they were overweight, had a disease, if they were an illegal immigrant, or anything that runs in your family. They would try to find ANYTHING to not spend money on you. The American health care system is ranked 37 in the world and I seriously think it’s time for a change. But is change too late for us? Probably.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Human Trafficking

I feel like human trafficking is one of the most interesting but yet scariest things I have ever learned about or studied. It opened my eyes to a whole new world horror that everyone should be warned about at least once. Watching the videos and movies made me very scared, but it shows you what to look for and if someone was to ever try to catch you or trick into sex slavery. I find it so scary that there are 20 to 30 million innocent slaves being trafficked right now as I am typing.  The average cost of any slave is only $90 dollars. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE FOR SALE. There are more than 600,000-800,000 slaves trafficked every year and more than 70% of them are women and children.  The average age that a girl will get trafficked at is 12-14 years old. A lot of the girls run away from home and the men will find them on a street or other places alone but others get kidnapped also.  Human trafficking makes 30.2 billion dollars a year and it is the third largest international crime industry.  Watching the films made me very aware and wanting to help these innocent women and children and find ways to prevent this horrible crime. The movie “Human Trafficking” was a great way to show people what this business does and how it works. Sometimes it’s good to scare people!

Globalization and Women

A long time ago in the American society girls were used to work in kitchens, cook food, have babies, and take care of the kids. So many things have changed since then  women are getting higher ranked jobs, going to college, and maybe even your CEO. Why is it so bad to have a women boss? Why hasn’t there been a women president?  Globalization has changed much of how our world reacts to women, but my hopes are slowly but surely our world will finally see men and women equal.  Why do girls always get the short end of the stick? 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs  Why is saying “like a girl” a bad thing?  Why can’t it be a good thing? I believe that our world is so used to hearing people say girls are weak and useless, that people eventually take it that way. Little girls grow up thinking that their mom is their hero, and that girls are strong, and just as good as boys. But our world puts it in their minds that girls are not good enough or better than any male running the race or playing the sport.  

I believe that globalization affects different women in different ways. But I do believe that it has affected women by human trafficking and sex trafficking.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing crisis that our world faces today. There are approximately 600,000-800,000 slaves trafficked every year and more than 70% of them are women and children.  But by recognizing these problems, people are trying to figure out how to stop this horrible epidemic problems and I believe that is a positive step for women.

Women are finally getting there chance to make more money and be a bigger part in today’s society. I do believe that the steps that globalization and women take together are going to get bigger and bigger as times goes on. But men still are making just as much money as they always did. So I don’t believe equality is equal quite yet.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Lost Boys of Sudan

Last week we watched a documentary called “The Lost Boys of Sudan”. This movie was a huge surprise to me, because I had no idea that any of that was going on in Sudan. We learned about two different kinds of migrations in class. One is forced migration where people are forced to flee the country just like in the movie we watched. The other migration is called volunteer migration where a person chooses if to leave their home or not.  I can’t imagine being sent out of my country to find my own home and fend for myself. Migration can be a good thing or a bad thing. A good thing because in some countries people don’t have food, things to wear, or running water, so for them to come to America and experience all of these things is a good thing for them! A bad thing could be because they are leaving everything that they know. How would you like to leave the country and try and figure out someone else’s culture?
                Watching this movie has made me look at African Americans that I don’t know sort of differently, because you never know where they might have come from. The jobs that these Lost Boys got when they came here were not very good jobs. Some of the guys were making $6.50 an hour. So yes we do need these people in our country to do these jobs but on the other hand we don’t.   The condition that the Sudan boys came from is 100 times worse than what we experience every day and our country gave them a new chance at life, when there country was falling apart. I think that a great explanation for the word globalization, our country helped these boys become a better person when there country was falling apart.   But the lost boys couldn’t really do anything about the fact that there country was in a civil war and that they were being sent to America. They didn’t want to leave everything that they knew in Africa and I wouldn’t either. They were very scared to begin a new life in a different culture and did not want to leave there “brothers”.

                There are many push factors for the lost boys but the main push factor is that if they stayed in Kenya they would get killed. A pull factor for them would be that they would get to go to America and find their families that they haven’t seen for so long and make income.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pros and Cons of Globalization

Last week in class we watched two videos about globalization and how it affects our towns, states, countries, and world. I thought the videos that we watched really helped me understand what globalization is, because before this class I had no idea what globalization was. I think there are a lot of pros and cons to globalization. But overall I think globalization is a good thing.
                I like the fact of globalization because it connects us all together instead of fighting and starting wars. I liked the part in the video where the lady showed us a piece of her clothing and showed us all the different places where it was made. I like the fact that all of those places came together to make ONE item. I think it would be bad if just ONE country made everything. Like, if just China made all of our clothes, foods, electronics, and everything else. Than everyone would owe China money! So the fact that everyone chips in and does there duty is what really makes me like globalization.
                There are some cons about globalization in my mind, but not as many as other people. I like the fact that it connects us all together, but what if something is going wrong in another country?? Than it will affect my family and yours. If we are in a World War 3 and the stock market drops and the government runs out of money, than it affects everyone.  That is the only downside to globalization in my mind.
                I really liked the movies we watched last week. They really showed me what globalization is all about and what my thoughts are about it. I really enjoy this class and how we can talk about real life issues and why people do what they do.