Friday, April 10, 2015

Game Theory

Please describe the following in your own words in two sentences.(look them up if you don't know)


Nash equilibrium- if you are married and you and your wife want to meet at home and you get home first then you wasted her time but if she gets home before you then you should just get home at the same time so nobody wastes time. So you pretty much just need to think of the best strategy no matter what you are doing. 



Game theory-  A strategic way in making your opponent try to change their strategy in trying to make your strategy win.



Prisoner dilemma- like in orange in the new black where they agree to not tell anyone and then one girl rats her out and they get out because she told the truth.



Go to the following link Serendip online interactive prisoner's dilemma


Describe your experience and thoughts after you have played the game a few times.(50 words)

I played it twice and I thought it was kind of confusing. I tried two different ways to play it and I won both times by 5 or 6. The last time I played it I hit cooperate all the way til the last round and I got 28  points. It was kind of odd and weird because you never really know what it going to happen but it was interesting.



Read the following blog on Game Theory and answer the questions below:


Give an example of Game Theory/prisoner dilemma:


In history: Cuban Missile Crisis  


In Government:  When you vote for a governor


In economics: The USA cutting oil


related to sociology: Picking whether or not to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend.


related to psychology:   on how I behave to my mom when I am mad at her


In your everyday life: Making life changing decisions like picking which college to go



 Tell me your thoughts on the oil pricing activity and the other group activities we did in class.


I think that you tore our class apart.




But it was funny and really it made me not want to trust my class.






 On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being great rate the activities we have done in class with the unit.  What are some things that can be done to improve the overall unit?

10, it was really fun!! Nothing I thought it was as good at it could be!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ink Blot party

I think that the test that we took was somewhat accurate. It was kind of fun to take and see what you thought everything was. I’m really happy that I am not classified as a paranoid person or a schizophrenic or a pervert. I am surprisely normal. I think that this was a pretty cool test and I am glad we took it. I think some people in our class will actually take a real IQ test.  I think it was cool that some of the pictures could be classified as the mother picture or the picture of what you think of your father. I don’t understand how they make these slides but I think that it is kind of cool. Some of the slides were hard to tell what they looked like because I didn’t see anything in a lot of them until I looked really close. I think that it was kind of cool to listen to what everyone else saw on the pictures too. It was also kind of hard to tell some of the things that were listed on that website, because most of them I couldn’t even see. I couldn’t see the sexual things or most of the stuff that the schizophrenics saw.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pepsi ad

Unconditioned stimulus: Being in the spotlight or being famous
Conditioned Stimulus: Pepsi
Unconditioned Response: Being in the spotlight or being famous after you drink a Pepsi or people that drink Pepsi are famous.
Conditioned response: Being famous

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I have taught my little cousin how to subtract numbers in math. When I was helping her I made her use her fingers to help her take away the numbers.  I love teaching kids how to do new and fun things. It definitely helps me because it is something I want to go to college and study for. I am glad that I have found something that I like to do by just helping the people that I love most. I can’t wait to help little kids on a daily basis after I get a job in the real world. When I was teaching her I didn’t use any steps, I just used foods or other items that were on the table. For example there were 4 apples on the table and her sheet asked what 4-3 was so I took 3 apples away and she saw that there was one left!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Phychology fun

 What is your favorite word? like

 What is your least favorite word? K

 What one thing do you like about your life? That I live in the Langford, SD.

 What one thing do you not like about your life?  Being an only child

 What profession would you like to attempt? A teacher

 What profession would you never attempt?  A doctor

 What 3 words describe you?  Laid-back, outgoing,  sarcastic

I really want to gain the knowledge to figure out how people think in their own way. I think it is really important to know how to read someone and know how they react to certain situations. It will be really interesting to figure out how everyone in this class thinks. I hope to learn from you as teacher new and interesting things that I didn’t already know. You are really good at making everyone think and also good at doing reverse physiology on our class. I hope you teach us things that will pay off in the long run and help us get through college. It will be really hard to go to a different environment (like college) and experience so many different people and their behavior and emotions. I’m really happy to be in a class like this one, because it is small and we can all figure each other out and we know each other’s personalities. Another reason why it is nice to be in a small class is because we can have one on one time with the teacher and he can help us when we are struggling.  I also hope to watch the movie Shutter Island.